Home Scholarships Undergraduate University Scholarships for You

Undergraduate University Scholarships for You

undergraduate university scholarships

Are you about to commence your undergraduate studies in a college? Have you gotten stressed out by the cost of pushing yourself through college? Hence, do you seek undergraduate university scholarships for you to key into and help with your funding? 

If you fall under these categories, then this post is just right for you. Here, you’ll get to know the top undergraduate university scholarships for you. Also, you’ll get information on their details, benefits, criteria, and application processes. 

Here are the top undergraduate university scholarships for you:

  • Harvard University Scholarships 
  • Yale University Scholarships 
  • MIT Scholarships 
  • Duke University Scholarships 
  • Stanford University Scholarships 

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Harvard University Scholarships 

Harvard is one of the most reputable institutions in the US. Interestingly, they offer scholarship awards to the best applicants to help them forward their education. It is a fantastic opportunity to forward your education to a magnificent institution. 


Harvard doesn’t offer full scholarships. Hence, every applicant has to have a backup plan for their studies. The scholarship amount will depend on what the student earns. 

However, the average total of the scholarship is about $50,000. There are other need-based financial aids. 


There is more than one scholarship at Harvard University. Each of them has specific criteria, so you’ll need to visit the scholarship site for more details. However, some requirements are still general among them:

  • The applicant must have received admission into a course at the university. 
  • Only those with high academic standards and achievements are eligible.

Application Process 

Just as requirements differ, so also does the application process. However, interested persons may apply online. Hence, they should visit the university site for more details. 

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Yale University Scholarships

If you’re seeking another university with a high standard, it’s Yale College. With a high rate of international students in the school, Yale encourages more to enroll with fully-funded scholarships. Hence, apply for an undergraduate course today for a splendid academic experience with low learning costs. 


The scholarship is fully-funded and can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. The average Yale Scholarship value is $50,000. Also, there are additional incentives, covering all costs from tuition to learning materials. 


Yale offers both undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate scholarships. Also, there are other scholarship programs in the school for undergraduate students. Hence, the criteria differ with scholarships. 

However, some of the requirements are general:

  • The applicants must put in for an eligible undergraduate course at the university. 
  • All applicants must meet the university’s academic standards with a solid educational background. 

Application Process 

Eligible candidates must follow the following process before the deadline:

  • Firstly, candidates must sign in using their College Board username or password. However, those who don’t have these are to open a new account. 
  • Pick an application form and complete it by answering all the questions. 
  • Ensure all the information you provided is correct. You might need to pay an application fee of $25. Hence, make the payment, crosscheck your dashboard and submit. 
  • You will need to submit signed Tax Returns of Parents and Students. 

MIT Scholarships

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers awards based on students’ financial needs. They don’t provide scholarships using merit, either academic, artistic, athletic, etc. The awards come from gifts and endowments from MIT alumni and partners. 

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The school supports 89% of the entrants in every session with their awards. The value of the scholarship is approximately $100,000 for undergraduates only. Each awardee receives a portion of this amount and joins it with their contribution. 


Here are some of the general requirements:

  • International students must have a Student visa
  • Students must demonstrate their financial needs. Notably, the institution will judge using the following:
    • Family size of the applicant 
    • Number of applicants from one family 
    • Taxes the applicant pays 
    • Younger siblings tuition 
    • Parents’ income source
    • The applicant’s permanent address
    • Total assets of applicants 
  • The applicant must have applied for an eligible undergraduate program at the university and received an admission. 
  • The applicant must meet all academic qualifications. 

Application Process 

The process is similar for both home and international students. Firstly, they must complete a CSS Profile. This tool is what the school uses to determine a student’s eligibility for the program. 

Secondly, the students must use several documents to complete their profiles during the application. These documents include:

  • Record of investments
  • Record of income without taxes
  • Bank statements
  • The tax statements from the past year

Thirdly, applicants will need to answer the questions that follow in their application. Keep in mind that the CSS Profile code for MIT is 3514.

Lastly, they will have to submit their parents’ tax return statements to Collegeboard’s Secure Institutional Documentation Service. Finally, the board will process it, and further information will get to you. 

Duke University Scholarships 

Duke is another top university that proudly gives full scholarships. If you aspire to study at the university, you have the opportunity of enjoying these benefits. There is more than one scholarship at the university, and they are all merit-based. 

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The Duke Scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and other schooling fees with an average value of $50,000. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years. It also includes a complete trip to the university. 


For candidates to be eligible, they must meet the requirements for applying to the university. These requirements include an offer of admission, credible academic background, and others. Interested persons should visit the scholarship site for more info. 

Application Process 

There is no separate application for the scholarship. Hence, all applicants to the university will receive equal consideration. 

Stanford University Scholarships

The institution offers full scholarships according to the student’s needs. Once you meet all the university’s requirements, you can apply for the scholarship and receive financial aid. 


The scholarship covers the full tuition of the students. It also covers all educational expenses and costs. However, you should keep in mind that the benefits differ with the specific scholarship you choose in the school.


The requirements differ with the type of scholarship. Hence, candidates must visit the university site for information on their specific criteria. 

Application Process 

Visit the application site for more information on the application. Finally, ensure you make your application before the deadline. 


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